Monday, November 21, 2011
Picking the right cultivar
Picking the "right" plant for the allotted space seems to be a challenge. People tend to want to put in a plant that is, under natural conditions, too big for the available space or planted too close or under another plant. Thus, requiring unhealthy amounts of shearing/pruning and preventing the plant from reaching its natural potential.
In most cases, there is a "right" plant for the allotted space. Please take a look at the video above where Dr. Ursula Schuch from the University of Arizona describes 3 different cultivars of Texas Ranger.
Have a great Holiday weekend.
In most cases, there is a "right" plant for the allotted space. Please take a look at the video above where Dr. Ursula Schuch from the University of Arizona describes 3 different cultivars of Texas Ranger.
Have a great Holiday weekend.
Monday, November 7, 2011
School IPM

What is Integrated Pest Management?
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices. IPM programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment. This information, in combination with available pest control methods, is used to manage pest damage by the most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment.
Reduced exposure to pests
Reduced exposure to pesticides
Reduced absenteeism due to:
Turf related injuries
Asthma due to pest related triggers
Cost neutral
Healthier learning environment
Improved academic achievement
What this means to you, your student(s) and your environment!
IPM reduces pest complaints
IPM reduces pesticide use in schools from 71% - 93%
IPM maximizes the benefits from the campus landscape
IPM reduces plant and tree losses
Trees and green spaces create healthy communities and are positively correlated with psychological, physical, cognitive and increased capacity for attention in our children.
Children are the most vulnerable
members of society,
members of society,
they are the future.
We are the custodians of their world.
Please check with your school administration and see how they manage pests.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Cooler temps could equal uninvited guests

One of the best things we can do is bug proof our home before they have a chance to move in. For those uninvited guests that have already moved in, simple decluttering and cleaning should take care of them. Pests are looking for 3 things: 1)Food 2)Water and 3)Shelter. By limiting these, pests will not see our home as a safe harbor.
Here is a great "how to" from Gouge et al. from the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension on what troublesome pests we might have and how to keep them out.
How to bug proof your house
Good Luck!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Do it yourself pest control can be DANGEROUS.
Insect infestations, especially those that feed on us, can cause great emotional, psychological and physical stress. The main reaction is simple: get rid of the infestation immediately and with what ever means are available. However, this can prove to be dangerous, even deadly in some instances. Using a logical, common sense approach with patience, an infestation can be managed and eliminated. |
Opinion, arguments & analyses from the editors of Scientific American
Bedbug Treatments Sicken More Than Bites DoThe ongoing bedbug epidemic has been a pain—if not full-on pestilence—for those infested and for those in constant terror of becoming so. The biting bugs are not known to carry infectious diseases like other bloodsuckers, such as ticks or mosquitoes. But the chemicals used to beat back these tiny insects seem to be making some of the bite-plagued sick.
At least 111 people in seven states reported becoming ill after coming in contact with an area treated for bedbugs (Cimex lectularius) between 2003 and 2010, according to a new report published online Friday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The most common symptoms were neurological effects—dizziness and headaches—shortness of breath, and gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea and vomiting. One 65-year-old North Carolina woman, who had multiple underlying conditions, died after excessive insecticide use at home, including direct application to her hair and skin, in an effort to get rid of bedbugs.
The chemicals implicated in most of the reactions were pyrethrins (natural compounds) and pyrethroids (synthetic compounds based on pyrethrins), which are both frequent insecticide ingredients. With increased use, however, some populations of bedbugs have developed a resistance to pyrethroids, which is bad for itchy humans, who might be inclined to spray more and more of the chemicals if they don’t seem to be working.
The states that participated in the illness identification program were California, Florida, Michigan, New York (where more than half the cases were reported), North Carolina, Texas and Washington. Nearly three quarters of the illnesses were from 2008, 2009 and 2010.
Most case reports came through poison control centers, which means that there are probably plenty of other instances of illness that go unreported and that have occurred in other states. It also means, though, that it is difficult to make definitive links between the bedbug treatments and the symptoms, without having more clinical knowledge of the individuals’ other health issues and their environment. So the CDC cautiously calls the link between most of the illnesses and treatments “possible,” with some 16 percent of cases being “probable” or “definite.”
Many of the reactions were likely due to people either using too much insecticide or not washing their linens after applying the poison. The modest number of reported illnesses overall “does not suggest a large public health burden,” the CDC noted. But people would be wise to use other, non-chemical control methods, such as keeping mattresses and box springs in bug-resistant covers, laundering or discarding infested items, and using temperature treatments (which can kill bugs with extreme heat or cold) provided by some extermination companies, the agency suggested. And it’s usually a good idea to seek professional help—and to stick to the instructions on chemicals, which will tell you it’s a bad idea to put the stuff directly on your sheets, or, obviously, your skin.
At least 111 people in seven states reported becoming ill after coming in contact with an area treated for bedbugs (Cimex lectularius) between 2003 and 2010, according to a new report published online Friday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The most common symptoms were neurological effects—dizziness and headaches—shortness of breath, and gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea and vomiting. One 65-year-old North Carolina woman, who had multiple underlying conditions, died after excessive insecticide use at home, including direct application to her hair and skin, in an effort to get rid of bedbugs.
The chemicals implicated in most of the reactions were pyrethrins (natural compounds) and pyrethroids (synthetic compounds based on pyrethrins), which are both frequent insecticide ingredients. With increased use, however, some populations of bedbugs have developed a resistance to pyrethroids, which is bad for itchy humans, who might be inclined to spray more and more of the chemicals if they don’t seem to be working.
The states that participated in the illness identification program were California, Florida, Michigan, New York (where more than half the cases were reported), North Carolina, Texas and Washington. Nearly three quarters of the illnesses were from 2008, 2009 and 2010.
Most case reports came through poison control centers, which means that there are probably plenty of other instances of illness that go unreported and that have occurred in other states. It also means, though, that it is difficult to make definitive links between the bedbug treatments and the symptoms, without having more clinical knowledge of the individuals’ other health issues and their environment. So the CDC cautiously calls the link between most of the illnesses and treatments “possible,” with some 16 percent of cases being “probable” or “definite.”
Many of the reactions were likely due to people either using too much insecticide or not washing their linens after applying the poison. The modest number of reported illnesses overall “does not suggest a large public health burden,” the CDC noted. But people would be wise to use other, non-chemical control methods, such as keeping mattresses and box springs in bug-resistant covers, laundering or discarding infested items, and using temperature treatments (which can kill bugs with extreme heat or cold) provided by some extermination companies, the agency suggested. And it’s usually a good idea to seek professional help—and to stick to the instructions on chemicals, which will tell you it’s a bad idea to put the stuff directly on your sheets, or, obviously, your skin.
About the Author: Katherine Harmon is a reporter for Scientific American covering health, medicine, neuroscience and general life sciences for the website. Follow on Twitter @katherineharmon.
The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
IPM for Bed Bugs
Here is a great video for treating bed bugs using IPM.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Proper water use
"There are a number of ways to save water in your landscape, and
there are some very good reasons to do so. Over half of household
water—in some cases as much as three-quarters—goes into our
landscapes. That means watering your yard efficiently is one of the
best and easiest ways to save water. Proper watering will also keep
your landscape plants healthy and beautiful through the year.
With a little help from this booklet you can figure out most of
your landscape watering needs on a weekend morning".
Preaching about water use. I guess it is the move to the desert that has prompted me to really think about how much water is wasted every day and where our water comes from. When using IPM in the landscape, proper watering is crucial to achieve positive results (limiting weeds, disease, rot...). Please follow the link below for a pdf copy of how to determine how much water you need in your landscape.
there are some very good reasons to do so. Over half of household
water—in some cases as much as three-quarters—goes into our
landscapes. That means watering your yard efficiently is one of the
best and easiest ways to save water. Proper watering will also keep
your landscape plants healthy and beautiful through the year.
With a little help from this booklet you can figure out most of
your landscape watering needs on a weekend morning".
Preaching about water use. I guess it is the move to the desert that has prompted me to really think about how much water is wasted every day and where our water comes from. When using IPM in the landscape, proper watering is crucial to achieve positive results (limiting weeds, disease, rot...). Please follow the link below for a pdf copy of how to determine how much water you need in your landscape.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
How to mail samples for identification
Did you know that if you come across a creepy crawler in your house or garden that you don't know what is, you can send it or take it to an extension office and get it identified? Well, might get it identified. The reason I say might, is because a lot of samples that these offices receive have taken a beating in the mail. This doesn't just apply to arthropods, you can send plant pieces to them as well but they also need to arrive intact. These offices have a wealth of experience and knowledge. If by chance they can't identify the specimen, they will most likely know who can.
However, even with all the knowledge these places have, the samples need to arrive in a way that will allow it to be identified. Please go to ( for a short video on how to properly pack samples to send or take to an expert. The video also shows what can happen to a sample if not properly packaged.
However, even with all the knowledge these places have, the samples need to arrive in a way that will allow it to be identified. Please go to ( for a short video on how to properly pack samples to send or take to an expert. The video also shows what can happen to a sample if not properly packaged.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
Beautiful, scary Black Widow (genus Latrodectus) are common in most areas in Arizona and raise alarm to those who encounter them.
Bite victims might suffer from some but not all of the following symptoms: rigid stomach muscles, which some medical professionals have misdiagnosed as appendicitis; sweating, sometimes of just the bitten body part, such as a bite to the hand that results in only the arm sweating profusely; pain that can be local, radiating, or regional; urine retention; and—less commonly—numbness, agitation, fever, and patchy paralysis. Another symptom is bite victims will move or rock back and forth incessantly to try to lessen the pain from the venom injection process. However, these symptoms are the most severe manifestation; many black widow bite symptoms merely resemble the flu. Black widow bites don’t cause conspicuous swelling, necrosis, or deterioration of tissue around the bite.
As a neurotoxin, the venom of a black widow affects the nerve-muscle junction in the body. Normally the body’s neurons work like a light switch; they make the muscle, or “light,” turn on and then off again, so that the muscle can relax and be ready to contract again if needed. The venom causes the muscle to repeatedly contract. It would be like flipping on a light switch and not being able to turn it off again.
If bitten, seek medical attention immediately. You can place a cold pack on the bite to relieve the pain. An antivenom for black widow bites is available that works for all species that have been tested, worldwide. Response is fast, and bite victims can go from intense pain back to normal in 30 minutes. The antivenom is based on horse serum, so physicians need to monitor for anaphylactic shock. American physicians are somewhat reluctant to use antivenom for this reason and might prefer to have the bite victim simply endure the symptoms, which can be similar to a bad flu episode and that usually dissipate in a few days.
It is good to know what can happen when bitten, however, widow spiders tend to be very shy, are nocturnal and would prefer to run instead of stand and fight. They will most likely be encountered outside the home in clutter, dark areas where they can hide during the day. Ideal places are in children's toys, under lawn mowers, in sprinkler boxes, wood piles, and I tend to find them under the siding of my house.
The best method of control is to clean up the clutter in the yard and garage. Make sure your doors and windows are sealed, this is good not only to exclude spiders but other potential pest invaders. Non-chemical control is best done at night since widows are nocturnal, go out with a flashlight and a good shoe. Chemical control for spiders is difficult because usually within a couple hours the spider is able to walk over the spray without harm. Usually one must spray the spider or its web directly for effective control.
So the moral of the story is, be aware of spiders and their hiding spots. Chemical control can work but is difficult and not very affective, the best method of control is manual extermination. Keep yards and garages clutter free and make sure your doors and windows are sealed. And remember, the world is beautiful, Black Widows are beautiful, we just need to be aware of our environment and enjoy every minute of it.
Thanks to UC IPM Online and for more information please see their site:
Medical information (UC IPM Online)
The black widow bite itself is painless or may feel like a little pinprick. Almost all medically important black widow bites are from the adult female, which is much larger than the male; the female also has stronger biting muscles and a larger venom reserve. At the site of the bite, you might see a little red mark or red streaking away from the bite. Within an hour, symptoms start to appear.
Bite victims might suffer from some but not all of the following symptoms: rigid stomach muscles, which some medical professionals have misdiagnosed as appendicitis; sweating, sometimes of just the bitten body part, such as a bite to the hand that results in only the arm sweating profusely; pain that can be local, radiating, or regional; urine retention; and—less commonly—numbness, agitation, fever, and patchy paralysis. Another symptom is bite victims will move or rock back and forth incessantly to try to lessen the pain from the venom injection process. However, these symptoms are the most severe manifestation; many black widow bite symptoms merely resemble the flu. Black widow bites don’t cause conspicuous swelling, necrosis, or deterioration of tissue around the bite.
As a neurotoxin, the venom of a black widow affects the nerve-muscle junction in the body. Normally the body’s neurons work like a light switch; they make the muscle, or “light,” turn on and then off again, so that the muscle can relax and be ready to contract again if needed. The venom causes the muscle to repeatedly contract. It would be like flipping on a light switch and not being able to turn it off again.
If bitten, seek medical attention immediately. You can place a cold pack on the bite to relieve the pain. An antivenom for black widow bites is available that works for all species that have been tested, worldwide. Response is fast, and bite victims can go from intense pain back to normal in 30 minutes. The antivenom is based on horse serum, so physicians need to monitor for anaphylactic shock. American physicians are somewhat reluctant to use antivenom for this reason and might prefer to have the bite victim simply endure the symptoms, which can be similar to a bad flu episode and that usually dissipate in a few days.
It is good to know what can happen when bitten, however, widow spiders tend to be very shy, are nocturnal and would prefer to run instead of stand and fight. They will most likely be encountered outside the home in clutter, dark areas where they can hide during the day. Ideal places are in children's toys, under lawn mowers, in sprinkler boxes, wood piles, and I tend to find them under the siding of my house.
The best method of control is to clean up the clutter in the yard and garage. Make sure your doors and windows are sealed, this is good not only to exclude spiders but other potential pest invaders. Non-chemical control is best done at night since widows are nocturnal, go out with a flashlight and a good shoe. Chemical control for spiders is difficult because usually within a couple hours the spider is able to walk over the spray without harm. Usually one must spray the spider or its web directly for effective control.
So the moral of the story is, be aware of spiders and their hiding spots. Chemical control can work but is difficult and not very affective, the best method of control is manual extermination. Keep yards and garages clutter free and make sure your doors and windows are sealed. And remember, the world is beautiful, Black Widows are beautiful, we just need to be aware of our environment and enjoy every minute of it.
Thanks to UC IPM Online and for more information please see their site:
Monday, July 25, 2011
Darn MothBalls

The National Pesticide Information Center has some really important information concerning the dangers and proper uses of mothballs. Please take a look and be aware.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Landscaping with Nature - Xeriscape
Backyards & Beyond: 13 Fall 2008
Ursula K. Schuch, Ph.D. Associate Extension Specialist, Plant Sciences Department, University of Arizona
Landscapes in urban backyards or around a rural home generally accommodate fruit or ornamental trees, shrubs, and flowers that serve a variety of purposes: food, shade, screen, color, or wildlife habitat. With the right plant choices and placement, pleasing and functional landscapes can be achieved that will thrive with minimum irrigation and maintenance.
“Xeriscape” promotes water-conserving landscapes and designs that aim to reduce the need for water, maintenance and other resources. Xeriscapes are dry landscapes: desert plants are also known as xerophytes, plants adapted to or native in desert environments. Xeriscapes rely primarily on native or desert-adapted plants that survive in the environment with little or no additional water.
Arizona is home to three hot desert ecosystems, the Mohave Desert in northwest Arizona, the Sonoran Desert in central and most of southern Arizona and the Chihuahuan Desert in the southeastern part of the state. Native plants that are well-adapted to alkaline soils with pH between 7.5 and 8.5, and can handle fluctuating annual and daily changes in temperature, and low natural rainfall are at home in each of these ecosystems. Native plants have evolved with the diseases and pests common to each area and have developed tolerance or resistance, enabling them to survive.
All of these characteristics are reasons why native plants make a good choice when minimal maintenance of a landscape is desired. While desert-adapted plants from climates similar to those of central and southern Arizona may be able to grow here, they might not be ideally suited to deal with a hard freeze, the low humidity of May and June, and the local pests and diseases.
“Xeriscape” promotes water-conserving landscapes and designs that aim to reduce the need for water, maintenance and other resources. Xeriscapes are dry landscapes: desert plants are also known as xerophytes, plants adapted to or native in desert environments. Xeriscapes rely primarily on native or desert-adapted plants that survive in the environment with little or no additional water.
Arizona is home to three hot desert ecosystems, the Mohave Desert in northwest Arizona, the Sonoran Desert in central and most of southern Arizona and the Chihuahuan Desert in the southeastern part of the state. Native plants that are well-adapted to alkaline soils with pH between 7.5 and 8.5, and can handle fluctuating annual and daily changes in temperature, and low natural rainfall are at home in each of these ecosystems. Native plants have evolved with the diseases and pests common to each area and have developed tolerance or resistance, enabling them to survive.
All of these characteristics are reasons why native plants make a good choice when minimal maintenance of a landscape is desired. While desert-adapted plants from climates similar to those of central and southern Arizona may be able to grow here, they might not be ideally suited to deal with a hard freeze, the low humidity of May and June, and the local pests and diseases.
Ursula K. Ph.D. Associate E
Native plants naturally fit into the landscape and preserve the look and feel of a place. Animals rely on plants for shelter and food, both in the wild and in landscapes around homes. Many native plants are superior in serving the needs of wildlife, while some introduced species do not provide adequate habitat or food for the local animals. For example, native mesquite trees play an important role in the desert ecosystem. They provide shelter for birds, their pods are an important food source for animals, and young saguaro cacti find shelter in the shade of the trees. Conversely, palm trees are popular choices for achieving a desert oasis look, but they lack the benefits that mesquite trees furnish for the local flora and fauna.
Using native plants in a home landscape also prevents potentially invasive plants from displacing local vegetation and wildlife. In recent years grass species like buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) and green fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum) have invaded natural areas, threatening extinction of native grasses and other plant species. Some of the non-native grasses create a dense carpet of vegetation that increases damage from fires. The Mexican paloverde (Parkinsonia aculeata) and African sumac (Rhus lancea) are examples of trees that have become invasive and should not be planted.
Using native plants in a home landscape also prevents potentially invasive plants from displacing local vegetation and wildlife. In recent years grass species like buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) and green fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum) have invaded natural areas, threatening extinction of native grasses and other plant species. Some of the non-native grasses create a dense carpet of vegetation that increases damage from fires. The Mexican paloverde (Parkinsonia aculeata) and African sumac (Rhus lancea) are examples of trees that have become invasive and should not be planted.
Xeriscaping uses several principles to create a landscape that conserves water and requires minimum resources and input to maintain. Water-wise planning and design is the first step, based on the needs of people using the space. While many desert-dwellers would like to create a mini-oasis close to the house, the lush plants used for shade, color, or fruit are often non-native and require irrigation, fertilizer, and pruning more often than xeric (low water use) plants. Areas in the transition and desert zone further away from the main outdoor living spaces typically rely on the use of xeric plants.
Low water-use or drought-tolerant plants are a hallmark of xeriscapes. Thus, lawns are encouraged only in limited areas that serve a specific purpose. In arid climates, the need for more frequent irrigation, mowing and fertilizing makes turfgrass impractical on slopes and large expanses unless used for sports or play.
Low water-use or drought-tolerant plants are a hallmark of xeriscapes. Thus, lawns are encouraged only in limited areas that serve a specific purpose. In arid climates, the need for more frequent irrigation, mowing and fertilizing makes turfgrass impractical on slopes and large expanses unless used for sports or play.
Successful xeriscapes include such tools as efficient irrigation design and equipment, and water harvesting. Drip irrigation supplies most of the supplemental water to the plants, conserving moisture by putting it right near plant roots. Water harvesting has been used by humans in dry climates for thousands of years.
Homeowners now can find many products to catch, store, and redistribute precious rain runoff from structures, in addition to using the proven principles of land contouring, where the soil surface is shaped to channel rainwater towards plant basins. The application of surface mulch helps conserve moisture around the root zone of plants and can prevent competition from weeds. Sound horticultural practices to maintain xeriscapes will preserve plant health and functionality of plants.
How to choose plants for your xeriscape garden? Decide what the space will be used for such as a shaded seating area with flowering plants providing color or a habitat that attracts wildlife. Plants may be used as screens, or as striking background accents. Taking clues from nature in surrounding areas can be helpful in creating a natural setting.
Good tree choices that work well for native landscaping in most of Arizona’s lower and mid-elevation deserts are mesquite (Prosopis sp.), desert willow (Chilopsis linearis), and Arizona rosewood (Vauquelinia californica—which is available as a shrub or trainedas a tree). Arizona ash (Fraxinus velutina) thrives in naturally moist areas. With supplemental irrigation it will develop a large canopy that creates a pleasant shaded area. For windbreaks or year-round shade,evergreens are a good choice. Afghan pine (Pinus eldarica), Arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica), or live oak (Quercus viginiana) come in various sizes and shapes.
Visiting local botanical or demonstration gardens and observing what does well in yards or in nature make it easier for homeowners to find suitable plant materials for a new landscape. Cooperative Extension offices throughout Arizona have lists of native or low water-use plants that are well-adapted to the local climate and soil conditions. New varieties of native and desert-adapted plants with improved performance traits, showy leaves or flowers, seedlessness and other features are becoming more available in nurseries each year. Using plants that create a sense of place in xeriscapes can enhance any home in the Southwest whether in town or out on the ranch.
– Proven, locally-adapted plants
– Drought tolerant, water conserving
– Better fit with the natural landscape
– Low maintenance
– Beneficial for wildlife (food, habitat)
– Non–invasive, stable vegetation
– Preserves wildlands by limiting invasive plants
Monday, June 27, 2011
OUCH!!! Fire Ants

D. H. Gouge, C. Olson, (University of Arizona); M. Rehm-Bowler, N. Enriquez, J. M. Rodriguez (AZ Dept. Environmental Quality).
Integrated Pest Management Techniques for Fire Ant Management
Three species of fire ants inhabit the desert southwest: Solenopsis xyloni (southern fire ant), Solenopsis aurea and Solenopsis amblychila (all are referred to as desert fire ants). S. xyloni has the widest distribution of the three species in Arizona. If the nest location poses no hazard to people, the best solution may be to do nothing. Red Imported Fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) are not established in Arizona yet, but do show up periodically; these ants are more aggressive than our native fire ant species and the stings are far more painful.
The objective – regardless of method used – is to kill the queen; she is the only ant in the colony capable of laying eggs and sustaining colony numbers. Any surviving ants will construct small mounds < 10-15 ft. from the parent colony, so control methods should be followed up with a search for new mounds within a week of final treatment.
1. Prevention
OUTDOORS (playing fields, lawns)
Maintain healthy turf (easier said than done!) with the following:
-Do not allow turf to become compacted. Use till methods, aerate and/or apply organic acids (such as fulvic or humic acid).
-Do not allow turf to become dry and bare. Fire ants love exposed, bare ground.
-Do not over water turf or garden areas. Fire ants like to take over disturbed soil that gets watered a lot, so people may encounter the ants in garden sites or when planting.
-Do not apply herbicides such as glyphosate along lawn borders (i.e., don’t use Roundup on edges to avoid strimming). This generates an ideal fire ant habitat. Either weed-eat (strim) your borders or let them grow fluffy edges.
If found inside, educate…educate….educate staff. Fire ants do not commonly nest in buildings; if found inside they are generally being drawn there by FOOD. Extreme temperatures may bring them indoors also.
Here’s what to do:
-Corner-clean floors very regularly.
-Restrict food and drink consumption to areas which can be kept clean easily i.e. limit food to tiled areas. Clean up spills quickly, and washout mops and buckets immediately after use.
-Opt for foods that generate fewer crumbs (bagels instead of muffins), and increase overall sanitation if ants are recurring inside.
-Food should be stored in containers with tight fitting lids.
DO NOT spray! – this will not eliminate the source of the ants, and may even increase your problems. Baits are insecticides mixed with ant food sources. They are best used in situations where mounds can be located.
Foraging workers carry the bait back to the colony and share the food. After the queen dies, workers may still be active inside the mound for several weeks before the colony finally disappears. Baits are much more effective, easier, and safer to apply than mound drenches.
Recommended: Amdro Fire Ant Bait; applying a small amount of water to the baited area causes rapid uptake.
Integrated Pest Management Techniques for Fire Ants: Educate yourself, implement good sanitation, and address basic pest proofing in all areas where food is prepared and consumed.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Great IPM Tools
This week I would like to direct everyone's attention to this website:
This site offers a wealth of information for developing an IPM program in your area. It also has loads of information concerning pests. Please take a look and if you have any questions let me know.
This site offers a wealth of information for developing an IPM program in your area. It also has loads of information concerning pests. Please take a look and if you have any questions let me know.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Halyomorpha halys Stal aka Brown Marmorated Stink Bug is an exotic pest that has been making it's way west since the late 1990's. It was first collected in Pennsylvania in 1998 and I received a call a little while back from a pest control company letting me know that they found a few here in the valley. Now, it has yet to be confirmed that they have a breeding population in Arizona but chances are if there is more than one then they are establishing themselves. And really, what creature wouldn't want to live and populate here?
This "stinker" is a member of the order Hemiptera and is considered a true bug. True bugs have a piercing sucking mouth that they "plug" into their "food" to access the nutrient rich fluids just under the surface. Other members of this group include aphids, shield bugs, assassin bugs (great predators), kissing bug, bed bugs (ooo yucky) and the list goes on.
Back to our brown stinker...this is a native agriculture pest in Asia and is a serious pest of fruit, vegetables and some farm crops. They have 5 instars and as adults are about 1" in length. They can be several shades of brown, have lighter bands on antennae and are actually quite attractive. Now like other "stink" bugs, they have nasty scent glands which we don't find very nice and which they like to use when alarmed.
To control, simply physically remove them from your plants. With a sheet under plant, gently shake until all have fallen off. If they become stinky clingers then use some form of wiping motion to remove them. You can also use a spray bottle with a little bit of dish soap and water to spray down the plant. Discard far away in the trash can and in a container that they cannot escape.
Thank you Penn State Univeristy/extension and the USDA for this important information.
Update: 6/8
It was brought to my attention that I should mention the traveling capabilities of stink bugs. They like to get in the walls of RV's and go for rides. In areas where people congregate with RV's like Quartzside, Yuma and other destinations it is a good idea to keep a look out for stink bugs and do our best not to transport them to areas where they do not belong. A major component of IPM is keeping an eye out for pests, especially "exotic" pests that we tend to unknowingly carry around.
This "stinker" is a member of the order Hemiptera and is considered a true bug. True bugs have a piercing sucking mouth that they "plug" into their "food" to access the nutrient rich fluids just under the surface. Other members of this group include aphids, shield bugs, assassin bugs (great predators), kissing bug, bed bugs (ooo yucky) and the list goes on.
Back to our brown stinker...this is a native agriculture pest in Asia and is a serious pest of fruit, vegetables and some farm crops. They have 5 instars and as adults are about 1" in length. They can be several shades of brown, have lighter bands on antennae and are actually quite attractive. Now like other "stink" bugs, they have nasty scent glands which we don't find very nice and which they like to use when alarmed.
To control, simply physically remove them from your plants. With a sheet under plant, gently shake until all have fallen off. If they become stinky clingers then use some form of wiping motion to remove them. You can also use a spray bottle with a little bit of dish soap and water to spray down the plant. Discard far away in the trash can and in a container that they cannot escape.
Thank you Penn State Univeristy/extension and the USDA for this important information.
Update: 6/8
It was brought to my attention that I should mention the traveling capabilities of stink bugs. They like to get in the walls of RV's and go for rides. In areas where people congregate with RV's like Quartzside, Yuma and other destinations it is a good idea to keep a look out for stink bugs and do our best not to transport them to areas where they do not belong. A major component of IPM is keeping an eye out for pests, especially "exotic" pests that we tend to unknowingly carry around.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
What was THAT???
That is usually the first question that comes to mind when a member of the order Solifugae races past. If one is lucky enough to be able capture a solifugid for a closer examination, the question usually remains...what is THAT???
Doing a quick internet search for "super fast scary spider looking thing" will bring you right to the order Solifugae. These fascinating creatures have many common names....camel spiders, false spiders, sun spiders and wind scorpions to name a few. There are also several variations on the proper name..solifuges, solifugids or solpugids. So great, what have we learned so far? 1) the internet knows what a super fast scary spider looking thing is and 2) it has a lot of names.
Well I dug a little deeper. They form one of the most diverse orders of arachnids in terms of families, genera and species. They are one of the dominant predators in arid ecosystems and are voracious hunters. They are known to feed on all types of arthropods and even cannibalize each other. They have forward facing chelicerae which they use to catch, tear and liquefy their prey. They do not produce venom or silk but will bite if provoked. They simply chase down their victims and consume. I would consider Solifugids as a beneficial member of our environment. They do not want to have anything to do with us except exploit the environments we create for true pest species. They hide during the day by burrowing in loose soil or under rocks. They prey upon roaches, crickets, beetles and even other spiders.
I am grateful to have gotten know another member of our society and to find out that it presents no harm to me other than the occasional surprise as it races under my chair in search for a good meal. A web site that I recommend you search for further information is
Doing a quick internet search for "super fast scary spider looking thing" will bring you right to the order Solifugae. These fascinating creatures have many common names....camel spiders, false spiders, sun spiders and wind scorpions to name a few. There are also several variations on the proper name..solifuges, solifugids or solpugids. So great, what have we learned so far? 1) the internet knows what a super fast scary spider looking thing is and 2) it has a lot of names.
Well I dug a little deeper. They form one of the most diverse orders of arachnids in terms of families, genera and species. They are one of the dominant predators in arid ecosystems and are voracious hunters. They are known to feed on all types of arthropods and even cannibalize each other. They have forward facing chelicerae which they use to catch, tear and liquefy their prey. They do not produce venom or silk but will bite if provoked. They simply chase down their victims and consume. I would consider Solifugids as a beneficial member of our environment. They do not want to have anything to do with us except exploit the environments we create for true pest species. They hide during the day by burrowing in loose soil or under rocks. They prey upon roaches, crickets, beetles and even other spiders.
I am grateful to have gotten know another member of our society and to find out that it presents no harm to me other than the occasional surprise as it races under my chair in search for a good meal. A web site that I recommend you search for further information is
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
AZ IPM Tip of the Week
This blog will be dedicated to:
1. Providing you with the most practical and up to date information for pest control
2. Focusing on a wide range of topics from insect pests to proper horticulture practices.
3. Provide answers to your pest problems.
4. Providing tips that will help you reduce your exposure to pests, reduce your exposure to pesticides and help create a healthier environment inside and out.
Thank you for subscribing to this blog and we look forward to learning as much from you as we hope you learn from us.
Bryan Stevens
Arizona Pest Management Center
1. Providing you with the most practical and up to date information for pest control
2. Focusing on a wide range of topics from insect pests to proper horticulture practices.
3. Provide answers to your pest problems.
4. Providing tips that will help you reduce your exposure to pests, reduce your exposure to pesticides and help create a healthier environment inside and out.
Thank you for subscribing to this blog and we look forward to learning as much from you as we hope you learn from us.
Bryan Stevens
Arizona Pest Management Center
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